Discover a revolutionary approach to breaking free from the cycles of anxiety and depression with Fight Back! This book has helped countless individuals eliminate these conditions from their lives for good, thanks to Mike Oglesbee's innovative philosophies and systematic approach.
Rather than simply managing the symptoms of anxiety and depression, Fight Back delves deeper to address the underlying conflicts within the subconscious mind. By understanding the root causes of these disorders and equipping yourself with effective tools to overcome them, you can finally achieve lasting relief.
Fight Back presents this crucial information in a straightforward, easy-to-understand format that teaches life-changing philosophies, techniques, and tools to help you conquer these challenges and live a fulfilling life free from the grip of anxiety and depression.
A guide offers a pragmatic approach to overcoming anxiety and depression. Plagued by his own anxiety and depression, life coach Oglesbee, author of My Success Journal (2016) and other self-help titles, developed a method to aid himself and others “through knowledge, understanding, and practicality.” This book is a how-to manual of sorts, divided into three parts. Part I begins with a general overview of the ailments along with two standardized, self-administered tools–the Burns Anxiety Inventory and the Burns Depression Checklist–which give readers the opportunity to measure current levels. This first part provides a brief yet highly informative examination of the various aspects of the mind, including the conscious, subconscious, critical, and primitive minds, as well as right and left brain and neural pathways. In Part II, the author employs a meaningful analogy of “the mind as a garden” to explain his approach. He writes that it is necessary to “remove the weeds” of old belief systems and replace them: “The new seeds that I work with to replace the weeds are seeds of truth.” Part II lays out a number of ground rules, discusses the “mental training” necessary for proceeding, and explores several strategies Oglesbee uses to make changes.
One useful concept is the “Model of Power,” which depicts the interrelationship of past, present, and future and demonstrates why living in the present helps create a positive mental focus. Specific tools and techniques to fight anxiety and depression are the focus of Part III. Here the author presents relevant client examples to demonstrate “Discernment and Self-Regulation,” problem resolution, and how to surmount “intrusive thoughts.” Each situation is thoroughly described and includes numerous statements and questions for readers to reflect on.
A particularly engaging exercise is creating “truth cards,” written affirmations designed to “reprogram your mind and align your thoughts with truth for a better, more effective outcome.” The material is not necessarily unique, but Oglesbee diligently explains his method in clear, uncomplicated language and carefully guides readers through each chapter. What’s more, he conveys a feeling of hopefulness sure to have a calming effect. Self-affirming and uplifting advice without attempting to be a panacea for depression.
~Kirkus Indie Review
I believe you have chosen this book for a reason. I believe that the philosophies and system I teach can help you get on your feet to begin living life the way you truly want. I believe this book can send you well on your way to freedom, happiness, and peace.
I have watched countless clients who have suffered all their lives, who have never experienced true happiness, and those who have been through trauma and heartache get back on their feet, take control of their lives in just a matter of a few months and live their lives completely free from debilitating anxiety and depression.
It doesn't take an extreme amount of time if you utilize the tools and techniques consistently, but it's all up to you to implement them. It's up to you to do the work. What you put into it, you will get out of it. I tell you this because it's the truth and is what you must first understand if you truly want to change your experience. Take a journey with me as I share my philosophies and teach you how I have helped so many people finally live great lives free from debilitating anxiety and depression.